Legal Services in Northern California

Family Law Services Northern CA

Family Law

At the the Law Office of Michael N. McCallum, p.c., we can assist you with many difficult family law problems and help you navigate the complex legal arena where these matters are decided.

Estate Planning

Do you know what will happen to your property after you die?  Who will raise your kids?  What will happen if you are ill and can’t communicate to make decisions for yourself?

Estate Planning Northern CA
Teacher and Educator Representation in CA

Teacher and Educator Representation

As an attorney member of the California Teachers Association Group Legal Services Program, we consult with and represent teachers in various areas. CTA members should contact their local association if they feel they have a problem that may require legal assistance.

Public Employee Retirement and Disability Issues

If you’ve been told your hard earned public pension will be less than you thought, or you had a request for a public pension disability (such as CalSTRS or CalPERS) denied, let us help you get the benefits you deserve.

CalStrs CalPers

Let Us Help You

Contact us today and one of our legal professionals will set up a consultation.

Mike McCallum - Attorney- Law Office of Michael N. McCallum
Michael McCallum
the Law Office of Michael N. McCallum, p.c.

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